At Leeman Property Management, we act as Employer's Agent and sit on the development team to coordinate inputs. As well as keeping a reign on commerciality, we focus on operational strategies to optimise the building for stabilisation.
Our offering is proven, holistic, and end to end. From finding sites, through project monitoring to mobilisation completion, to lease up, stabilisation to exit. We put the asset level business plan together, consolidate fund reporting, and take the Client’s view in decision making.
We are known for our ability to apply fresh thinking to specific project challenges. We can fill gaps in your project team and take the role of project monitoring, operational oversight or asset management. We foster long-term relationships that boost returns through scale. Our vertically integrated living sectors platform is geared to create OpEx efficiencies and to enhance the blended IRR.
As Asset Manager throughout the development life cycle as Employer's Agent success in project monitoring is keeping the developer honest, looking for construction efficiencies, durable materials and equipment, and to stay ahead of trends. Behind this sits our expertise to draft the management plans and to build out customer journeys that will support a frictionless tech enabled customer experience. This includes front of house and back of house layouts, FF&E. We bring years of experience in what works on site and what does not.
Decades of hands-on project monitoring experience adds value:
During design, efficiency and space planning,
Value engineering: M&E, FF&E and to maximise rents.
Market insights: product, demographics, demand, market appeal
The components of Project Monitoring for pipleine assets:
- Draw up a briefing notes
Draw up a briefing note to scope services for the relevant project development stage.
- Select Consultants
Inviting cost proposals from the: architect, quantity surveyor, mechanical & electrical design consultant, structural engineer, principle designer, interior designer, principle contractor, main contractor, structural engineer, building information management consultant, geotechnical engineer, planning consultant, site contract manager, specialist material supplier/manufacturer, scaffolding design engineer, approved inspector, leisure/gym/well-being providers, space/light consultants.
- Shortlist Consultants
Interview and shortlist consultants for each function; evaluate options and make recommendations.
- Review terms of appointment
Review terms of each appointment to ensure that the Property Owner has the right to contractually request variations and extras.
- Agree reporting procedures
Agree meeting, reporting and recording procedures with consultants and relevant contractors. Manage communications, minute meetings and ensure information is appropriately distributed.
- Bring forward decisons to meet milestones
Key milestones will include: development concept, design, unit mix, unit layouts, unit appliances, unit fittings, unit small power, M&E, spec, value engineering, spares lists, defects protocols, fire strategy, lighting strategy, comms strategy, servicing strategy, sustainably sourced materials, deliveries/loading strategy, refuse strategy, window/facade cleaning strategy, roof access strategy, landscaping grounds/outdoor space strategy, secure by design, SLA's, materials selection, front and back of house design, and to further the zero carbon agenda.
- Oversee the Build Contract
Review of the monthly Employers' Architect's monthly site inspection reports prior to PC "Practical Completion", and then the pre-completion report. Inspect the site regularly and monitor the compliance of the developer with the terms of the contract. Seek approval to any variations, notify any contractual disputes.
- Track closing out Planning Obligations
Ensure the Project Architect tracks S106 obligations, and submits inputs from the project team.
- Sign off management strategies
Procure plans for management, landscaping, servicing, deliveries, CCTV, parking and the like. Advise on units and communal areas heating strategy, utilities, comms & wi-fi; advise on ventilation and heat recovery strategies, secure by design principles in respect of: access, smart locks, CCTV, security, and entry phone systems; advise on façade cleaning and maintenance strategy: cradles, abseiling, hoists etc...
- Due diligence on equipment suppliers
Input into the selection of plant and equipment such as lifts, heating systems, air-conditioning favouring open protocol systems, known performance and origin for sourcing spares.
- Further the ESG Agenda
Arrange accreditations to further the ESG journey including carbon credits to achieve operational net zero, BREEAM in-use certification, EV charging spaces, bike hire, sustainable materials in furnishing strategy, bulk supply of green energy, monitoring technology to supplement smart meters, photovoltaic panels on roof.
- Advise on smart tech
Advise on smart homes tech strategy: product design, offering, leak detection, smart locker/smart parcel room....
- Front & Back of House
Ideation, selection and briefing of interior designer including art curation: briefing, procurement; arrange and oversee installation of suitable signage and way finding.
- Snagging and Handover
Recript the regime for quality acceptance of each unit and the common parts including snagging and defect remedy processes. Take recript of all guarantees and the manufacturer's instructions at handover. Receive 'as built drawings' and 'layout and stacking drawings', attend cause and effect testing of key plant and the fire strategy, procure the fire risk assessment in preparation for first occupations. Receipt O&M Manuals and CDM files.
- Prepare for launch
Procure the hoardings or wraps: brief local community engagement, creative agencies, design.and installation.
- Prepare for mobilisation
Attend the commissioning, handover of major installed plant and equipment. Ensure statutory documentation, including health and safety files, NHBC, Premier or other guarantee, operating manuals as required are in place. Obtain confirmation of building regulations sign off; ensure performance bond or PCG and NHBC insolvency cover in place. Obtain confirmation of collateral warranties.
- Manage budgetary control
Support the Property Owner by inputting into Royal Institute of British Architects ("RIBA") Stage A, B and C budgets. Receive and check all invoices from the Employers Architect and the developer; report to the Property Owner on the progress of the development.
- Prepare for stabilised asset management
Procure the creation of the asset register, planned property maintenance Gantt chart and advise on the scope of maintenance required to meet best practice standards.
- Prepare for lease up
Arrange and oversee fit out of the show homes; source furniture packs: briefing, selection, delivery, procurement, installation including window dressings.
- Receipt unit compliance documents
Coordinate data from the project teams data rooms to enable units compliance mobilisation including: energy performance certificates, gas safe certificates, electrical ECIR reports, layout plans; arrange for the registration of properties which constitute a house in multiple occupation with the Local Authority and obtain relevant licences. Commission professional photography, videography, and/or drone surveys for marketing.
- Prepare for occupations
Arrange the registration of units with the postal service and the Local Authority for council tax; provide servicing strategies to the fire service, refuse service. Procure production of a home user guide for residential units.
- End of Defect stage
Advise on the release of retention funds or bond. Resolve any latent defects issues, advise on the Final Account sign off.
As Asset Manager throughout the development life cycle as Employer's Agent success in project monitoring is keeping the developer honest, looking for construction efficiencies, durable materials and equipment, and to stay ahead of trends. Behind this sits our expertise to draft the management plans and to build out customer journeys that will support a frictionless tech enabled customer experience. This includes front of house and back of house layouts, FF&E. We bring years of experience in what works on site and what does not.
- Decades of hands-on project monitoring experience adds value:
- During design, efficiency and space planning,
- Value engineering: M&E, FF&E and to maximise rents.
- Market insights: product, demographics, demand, market appeal